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Rescued & saved
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+ 0 K
+ 0 K

Why Should You Subscribe?

Become an insider to see firsthand how we respond to emergencies, provide humanitarian aid, and honor the deceased with dignity.
Your subscription helps us spread awareness and build a stronger support network, making a significant impact on our ability to serve those in need.

Making a Difference together

Become an insider to see firsthand how we respond to emergencies, provide humanitarian aid, and honor the
deceased with dignity.
Your subscription helps us spread awareness and build a stronger support network, making a significant impact on our ability to serve those in need.

Contact us for any questions


+1 (646) 200-5301​

Group 18

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Zaka Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit in The United States.
Your donation is 100% tax-deductible in the United States.
EIN # 46-0567613
Phone: 601-460-1220
Address: 2920 Avenue R Brooklyn NY 11229 USA

Donate now to HELP save lives! Donate now to HELP save lives!