
Supporting the search & rescue units of ZAKA – Be our Partner

Step into the new year with a gesture of giving — your donation sparks change

by Tal Test

  • $69,866

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0% Funded

Tal Test

80 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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ZAKA – the heroes that seem to always be at the right place at the right time!

Over the thirty-plus years since ZAKA’s inception, ZAKA has built up different units ensuring that all forms of help are available when needed. In addition to ZAKA’s professional Search and Rescue Team dedicated to finding stranded individuals, its services also include a Rapid Rescue Motorcycle Unit to arrive as quickly as possible at a scene of a disaster. ZAKA’s Divers Unit to help rescue those in distress under water, and a Chesed Shel Emet Unit offering honorable burial to the unfortunate deceased victims. They are available at the drop of a hat to respond to a terrorist attack, natural disaster, road accident or personal tragedy, globally!.

Why we do it?

Zaka’s assistance at these major catastrophes involving mass casualties led to their recognition by the United Nations as an ”International, Volunteer, Humanitarian Organization.” This UN recognition enables ZAKA to offer emergency assistance globally before the Country has formally sent a delegation requesting help. In a further attempt to shorten the response time to mass casualty incidents, ZAKA has trained local emergency response teams worldwide.

How you can save lives right now?

Now is your turn to open up your hearts and enable the esteemed ZAKA Organization to continue its vital work across the board. They cannot finance the entire running without you! With every dollar you give you are saluting the outstanding work in which ZAKA is engaged, and showing your appreciation for their selfless activities! In the merit of donating to this charity may you never need to use its services in any way. May we all merit seeing an end to human suffering with the entire elimination of ZAKA’s services, speedily in our days.
The opportunity to save lives is literally in your hands today.
Donate generously now!

Name Donation Amount Date
Anonymous $180 September 15, 2023
Robert Liberman $36 September 15, 2023
Mark Hoffman $105 December 31, 2022
Anonymous $180 December 31, 2022
Anonymous $18 December 30, 2022
RONALD BERZON $18 December 30, 2022
Stephen Richter $108 December 29, 2022
Anat Levi $72 December 29, 2022
Sally Zerker $72 December 26, 2022
Steven Kalka $18 December 25, 2022
Anonymous $54 December 25, 2022
Alla Toff $50 December 25, 2022
Edward Himmelfarb $250 December 25, 2022
Malachi Gamliel $180 December 22, 2022
Stacey Klein $72 December 20, 2022
Carol & Joshua Kalowitz $200 December 18, 2022
David Wolgin $50 December 15, 2022
Sidney & Rita Mathias $100 December 14, 2022